West Virginia Chapters

The West Virginia Council is made up of numerous individual chapters that are based throughout the Mountain State. In order for TU to speak as 'one voice' in West Virginia leaders from each chapter meet to come to common ground on how to best achieve our mission. However, most of the activity and impact is made at the chapter level. You will find no better place to find out how you can roll up your sleeves and make a difference for our trout streams than at your local chapter. 

Chapters across West Virginia get together regularly to listen to presentations on trout fishing and conservation. They stock fingerling trout into streams in their areas to provide a wild trout fishing type opportunity where there was none before. Chapters teach fishing related classes to youth and adults, assist with Trout In The Classroom curriculum in elementary and middle schools around the state, perform stream monitoring through the DEP Save Our Streams surveys, assist WVDNR and USFS in electofishing streams for population data, perform in-stream habitat work, assist DNR with funding for limestone sand treatments for acid impaired waters, host fundraisers and banquets to raise money for trout conservation work in the state, assist with Project Healing Waters to give disabled veterans the chance to learn fly-fishing, develop public access to trout waters of the state flowing through private land and advocate for sound public policy that protects trout water. 

For information on what your local chapter is doing and how you can get involved, contact them by following the links below.


Blennerhassett Chapter (Parkersburg Area)


Ernie Nester Chapter (Charleston/Huntington Area)


Mountaineer Chapter (Clarksburg/Elkins Area)


P. Pendleton Kennedy Chapter (Morgantown Area)


Sal Font Chapter (Spencer/Sutton Area)


Southern WV Chapter (Lewisburg Area)


Upper Ohio Valley Chapter (Wheeling Area)