The West Virginia Council of Trout Unlimited is a sportsman's network of more than 1,500 volunteers and seven local chapters committed to the TU mission of conserving, protecting and restoring our coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. In addition to supporting its member Chapters, WVCTU allows TU members throughout West Virginia to speak with a unified voice on issues affecting our trout fisheries. We are primarily made up of fishermen and women with a passion for giving back to the resources that provide so much enjoyment for us all. Trout fishing provides a major economic impact to West Virginia and the clean water that they live in is the state's most important natural resource.
The council holds three regular meetings annually and its executive board and committees work year-round in an ongoing effort to constantly improve the quality of both our coldwater resources and the angling experience.
Do you cherish your memories of fishing West Virginia's mountain creeks and rivers? Would you like to leave a legacy so that future generations can enjoy the waters just like you did? Consider WVTU or your local chapter in your estate planning. If you or your business would like to donate to TU, please contact us for information on how your gift can have the most impact for our trout here locally.
Brad Riffee, Chair
VACANT, Vice Chair South
Nathan Justice, Vice Chair North
VACANT, National Leadership Council
Jim Christie, Immediate Past Chair
Larry Orr, Treasurer
Eric Condon, Secretary
Randy Kesling, Conservation Committee
VACANT, Women's Initiatives